Monday, November 11, 2013

Today I hosted Yuma's 2013 Veterans Day Parade!

It was an honor to host Yuma's 2013 Veterans Day Parade this morning. It was the least I could do for these great men and women that served our country in the armed forces and fought to keep us free! I met some great people out there like Veteran Mike Jones! I look forward to doing it again next year.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hosting Yuma's 2013 Veterans Day Parade!

This morning I learned that I have been selected to be the main announcer at Yuma's 2013 Veterans Day Parade. I am honored that they chose me to be a part of such a great event that honors those that have fought for our country. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I am no longer affiliated with Derailed Saloon!

I just wanted to write this to make it public, so people will stop associating me with that place. I am no long affiliated with Derailed Saloon in any way, shape or form and I have not been so for over a month now. If you want to find me and DJ Dort Vader, you can find us at The Kress every Thursday and Saturday! Here is an example below of one of our Ladies Night's at The Kress