Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Real Deal...

I feel I gotta put this up real quick because I am finding that Facebook is not a reliable way to get my point across. People seem to have misunderstood me and some of the things I was posting up, so real quick I want to say that I LOVE this country and I am very proud to be a citizen of the United States of America. I support our troops and have a lot of friends in the military. I do not support terrorism or terrorist in any way what so ever at all. I have studied government and many theories of government from our founding fathers and down the line to some of the newer trains of thought. I am a registered Republican and I am very conservative in all areas in my life.  All I am saying is that we need to be alert and keep our government in check because they are here to serve us and do what we say and vote on. We can't be so quick to believe whatever they want us to believe and they must be held accountable when they lie, just as we would be. Please don't take what I say out of context and if you have any questions feel free to ask me because I love talking about politics and government. If you want to do some reading try reading up on Thomas Jefferson and what he believed. Remember our founding fathers fled from an oppressive government and did not want to repeat the same mistakes.